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Got Jesus?

Have you ever made a personal and sincere decision to accept Jesus Christ into your life to be your personal Lord and Savior?  Our sin separates us from God and we "miss the mark" of His standard for perfection. There is nothing we can do to earn salvation (good works). The bible says in Romans 10:9 that "We must believe in our hearts and confess with our mouths..." and in Romans 10:13 "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved".


Salvation is free! Jesus already paid the debt for our sin by dying on the cross and raising the third day. You must first repent (acknowledge and turn-away from your sin) and believe and trust in the Savior and His finished work on the cross. You make Him the Lord of your life. This is the biggest decision you will ever face in your life. God made salvation easy and He wants to save you today! 

How do you get to heaven?


1. Realize you are a sinner and have sin in your life. (Rom 3:23)


2. Understand that sin separates you from God and you can't do anything to earn favor with God (good works). (Isaiah 59:2, Ephesians 2:9)


3. Acknowledge that Jesus died on the cross in your place for those sins. (Rom 10:13)


4. Ask God to forgive you and repent (turn-away) from your sins. (Acts 3:19), (Ezekiel 18:30)


5. Trust, believe, and have faith in Him alone to save you. (Proverbs 3:5-6), (Mark 1:15)



If you have sincerely followed these steps of salvation, God's word says you are now saved and a child of God. If you've made this life-changing decision, we'd love to rejoice with you and encourage you in your new walk with Jesus Christ. We'll be praying for you in your new journey to serve the Lord. May God bless you!

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